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White Muscat of Alexandria

<p>The bunches are large as are the grapes, with a thick skin. The flesh is crispy as well as juicy with a subtle muskiness.</p>
check Late season vines
Price €18.50


<p>This grape variety is originally from Bordeaux vines.</p>
check Cépages de Cuves autres
Price €6.80

White Ora

<p>This variety produces large lithe bunches which hold themselves well. The grapes are large and oval; the skin is thin and golden in the sun. The pulp is firm and rich in sugar.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

Muscat Queen of the Vineyards

<p>Average sized bunches of large round, golden grapes. Under a hardly thick skin the crispy flesh reveals its delicately fruity and slightly musky flavour.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

Early King (black)

<p>The small bunches of average sized; black, oval grapes have a sweetly savoured fleshy pulp.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50


<p>Grappe moyenne, plutôt lâche. Baie prenant une coloration ambrée à complète maturation, peau épaisse, pulpe juteuse. Du languedocien "servar" (conserver) ce raisin a la particularité de se conserver longtemps sur souche. On peut aussi</p>
check Late season vines
Price €18.50

White Palestine Grape

<p>The bunches are very long (often more than 50cm) with oval grapes that are quite large with juicy flesh and thin skin.</p>
check Late season vines
Price €18.50


<p>Fertile variety with regular production, also called "5455 Seibel". It is hardy and resists diseases well. The bunches are compact and of medium size. The berries are small, firm and raspberry flavored. Ripe in the first half of September.</p>
check Variétés de cuve résistantes aux maladies
Price €8.80

White Finger Grapes

<p>The large bunches have big and firm grapes, with a pleasant and sweet taste, pale yellow colouring and a long and concave shape justifying the name.</p>
check Late season vines
Price €18.50

Courtiller's Admirable Rosy

<p>The average sized bunches carry large oval shaped grapes of a golden yellow colour turning rosy in the sun and with maturity. The skin is thin and the flesh melts in your mouth and is juicy.</p>
check Normal season vines
Price €18.50


<p></p> <pre><span style="color:#202124;font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:28px;white-space:pre-wrap;background-color:#f8f9fa;">Its medium-sized cluster bears spherical, large, golden-yellow berries. Its firm pulp has a fine musk flavor.</span></pre>
check Early vines
Price €18.50