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Angevine Madelein

A very early ripennin grape, it has medium and airy clusters. The grains, quitelarge and thin-skinned, are slightly ovoid.

Price €17.50

Rosy Cardinal

The bunches are large and conical. The grapes are spherical and quite large with a skin of medium thickness and a firm flesh with a slight musky flavour.

Price €17.50


 Pinot Noir is one of the emblematic grape varieties of the Burgundian and Champenois vineyards. It is also the only red vat plant authorized in Alsace.

Price €5.80

Black Corinth

Quite a long, cylindrical bunch of very small grapes, with a thin skin, juicy flesh and no pips.

Price €17.50

White Ora

This variety produces large lithe bunches which hold themselves well. The grapes are large and oval; the skin is thin and golden in the sun. The pulp is firm and rich in sugar.

Price €17.50


Grappe moyenne, plutôt lâche. Baie prenant une coloration ambrée à complète maturation, peau épaisse, pulpe juteuse. Du languedocien "servar" (conserver) ce raisin a la particularité de se conserver longtemps sur souche. On peut aussi

Price €17.50