Variétés "sans pépins"

Variétés "sans pépins"

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Centennial Seedless

<p>large bunches with oval grapes without pips, thin skin, crispy and juicy flesh with a slighly musky flavour</p>
check Early vines
Price €8.80

White Exalta

<p>Produces very large bunches with golden grapes practically without pips. The crispy and juicy pulp has a musky flavour, adored by children.</p>
check Normal season vines
Price €18.50

White Pearl without Pips

<p>The bunches are large and the grapes, average sized and round are appreciated for their fruity flavour, their thin skin and the near total absence of pips.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

White Sulima

<p>This variety produces big loose bunches of golden grapes practically without pips. This grape has a highly appreciated taste and is ideal for culinary uses.</p>
check Normal season vines
Price €18.50