Our varieties
Find out about our various varieties: ecological varieties, early varieties, seasonal varieties, late varieties, Virginia creeper and ornamental vine
Our varieties
Showing 1-12 of 62 item(s)
<h3>A very early ripennin grape, it has medium and airy clusters. The grains, quitelarge and thin-skinned, are slightly ovoid.</h3>
check Early vines
<p>Produces very big bunches of large round grapes, slightly dented in appearance. The fleshy pulp has a simple and crisp taste.</p>
check Normal season vines
<p>Beautiful bunches with big oval grapes.</p>
check Normal season vines
<p>This variety produces large bunches of big oval grapes with a firm flesh. It is also used to produce wine.</p>
check Normal season vines
<p>The beautiful bunches carry round grapes of average size, with a firm, sweet delicate musky taste.</p>
check Early vines
<p>The short bunches carry slightly elongated and quite large grapes with a firm pulp.</p>
check Normal season vines
<p>The elongated bunches carry large oval or round grapes whose firm and juicy flesh has a fresh, sweet mushy flavour.</p>
check Normal season vines
<p>Average to large sized bunches of elliptical grapes with a thin skin and a firm pulp.</p>
check Early vines
<p>This variety has large bunches of round and elongated grapes with a simple flavour and fleshy taste.</p>
check Normal season vines
<p>The bunch is of average cylindrical size, with large blue-black coloured grapes that melt in your mouth.</p>
check Early vines
<p>large bunches with oval grapes without pips, thin skin, crispy and juicy flesh with a slighly musky flavour</p>
check Early vines
<p>The decorative aspect of the leaves as well as the delicate Chasselas flavour.</p>
check Early vines