Late season vines

Late season vines

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Pink Clairette

Clusters and berries of medium size, with a slightly pinkish color. Ovoid grains with firm and juicy pulp.

Price €18.50

Red Globe

The bunches are large, conical and not very compact. The pink grains are large, spherical and juicy. The skin is thick but the pips are almost non-existent. Use in the kitchen. Good cold storage.

Price €18.50


Grappe moyenne, plutôt lâche. Baie prenant une coloration ambrée à complète maturation, peau épaisse, pulpe juteuse. Du languedocien "servar" (conserver) ce raisin a la particularité de se conserver longtemps sur souche. On peut aussi

Price €18.50

White Finger Grapes

The large bunches have big and firm grapes, with a pleasant and sweet taste, pale yellow colouring and a long and concave shape justifying the name.

Price €18.50

White Italian Ideal

This is a well-known variety whose grapes are widely commercialised. The grape bunches are quite big and loose, the grapes are oval with a musky flavour and thick skin.

Price €18.50

White Verjus

Very big bunches of large grapes, with a juicy and acidic flesh and a firm skin. Conserves well on the vine. Even in areas where the grapes will never reach maturity, due to very little sunshine, they are perfect for cooking.

Price €18.50