Early vines

Early vines

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Angevine Madelein

<h3>A very early ripennin grape, it has medium and airy clusters. The grains, quitelarge and thin-skinned, are slightly ovoid.</h3>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

Black Prima

<p>Average to large sized bunches of elliptical grapes with a thin skin and a firm pulp.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

Blue Portuguese

<p>The bunch is of average cylindrical size, with large blue-black coloured grapes that melt in your mouth.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

Centennial Seedless

<p>large bunches with oval grapes without pips, thin skin, crispy and juicy flesh with a slighly musky flavour</p>
check Early vines
Price €8.80

copy of Early White Perdin

<p>The grapes are savoury tasting, aromatic, beautifully formed, golden and mature early. This truly new variety was created by the National Institute of Agronomic Research, in France (INRA). In addition to the flavour of the grapes this variety is</p>
check Plants de vigne 20 ans
Price €180.00

copy of Early White Perdin

<p>The grapes are savoury tasting, aromatic, beautifully formed, golden and mature early. This truly new variety was created by the National Institute of Agronomic Research, in France (INRA). In addition to the flavour of the grapes this variety is</p>
check Plants de vigne 20 ans
Price €180.00

copy of Early White Perdin

<p>The grapes are savoury tasting, aromatic, beautifully formed, golden and mature early. This truly new variety was created by the National Institute of Agronomic Research, in France (INRA). In addition to the flavour of the grapes this variety is</p>
check Plants de vigne 20 ans
Price €180.00

copy of Early White Perdin

<p>The grapes are savoury tasting, aromatic, beautifully formed, golden and mature early. This truly new variety was created by the National Institute of Agronomic Research, in France (INRA). In addition to the flavour of the grapes this variety is</p>
check Plants de vigne 20 ans
Price €180.00

Early King (black)

<p>The small bunches of average sized; black, oval grapes have a sweetly savoured fleshy pulp.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50