Early vines

Early vines

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Rosy Cardinal

The bunches are large and conical. The grapes are spherical and quite large with a skin of medium thickness and a firm flesh with a slight musky flavour.

Price €18.50

Violet Chasselas

This variety develops early a violet colouring on the stalks and the grapes. Later the grapes take on a light rose colouring before maturity. The average sized round grapes are juicy and sweet tasting.

Price €18.50

White Chasselas

This is one of the best grapes, always well appreciated for its thin skinned, average sized, golden grapes with a juicy taste that melts in your mouth.

Price €18.50

White Ora

This variety produces large lithe bunches which hold themselves well. The grapes are large and oval; the skin is thin and golden in the sun. The pulp is firm and rich in sugar.

Price €18.50

White Pearl without Pips

The bunches are large and the grapes, average sized and round are appreciated for their fruity flavour, their thin skin and the near total absence of pips.

Price €18.50