Early vines

Early vines

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Rosy Chasselas

<p>Having the same characteristics with the one difference being its rosy coloured grapes</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

Royal Madelein (White)

<p>This variety of average sized bunches of round grapes is appreciated for its sweet and juicy flesh which melts in your mouth.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

Violet Chasselas

<p>This variety develops early a violet colouring on the stalks and the grapes. Later the grapes take on a light rose colouring before maturity. The average sized round grapes are juicy and sweet tasting.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

White Chasselas

<p>This is one of the best grapes, always well appreciated for its thin skinned, average sized, golden grapes with a juicy taste that melts in your mouth.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

White Mireille

<p>Variety of average sized, loose bunches of oval grapes with an agreeable musky perfume.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

White Ora

<p>This variety produces large lithe bunches which hold themselves well. The grapes are large and oval; the skin is thin and golden in the sun. The pulp is firm and rich in sugar.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50

White Pearl without Pips

<p>The bunches are large and the grapes, average sized and round are appreciated for their fruity flavour, their thin skin and the near total absence of pips.</p>
check Early vines
Price €18.50